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Give Hope Cards

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KJIL has declared 2024 as the “YEAR OF HOPE!”. One way to share hope is by loving others.  Consider John 13:34 where Jesus said, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.”

That is why KJIL has put together HOPE Cards: to love others!

Here is how Hope Cards work:
1. Do an act of kindness to show love to someone.
2. Pass along the card.

Simple right? 

And if someone uses a Hope Card to show love to you then:
1. Share about what they did. 
2. Do an act of kindness for someone else.
3. Pass the card along.

Help KJIL start the Year Of Hope by spreading hope to others. If you would like one, call or text 866-480-5545, visit one of our business partner locations, or use the form below to have one mailed to you. We will send a max of 5 cards! 

When you use a Hope Card to spread Hope to others, who knows how far God can use it to spread HOPE around the world. 

Locations where you can pick up some Hope Cards:

Over 18? (For our records) *
(If Under 18, we need your Parent's or Guardian's Name)